
money, fatherhood, food, life

Category: Money

Should you be paying for your kids university fees?

Here’s one that comes up all the time.  Most of us, myself included, want the best possible for their kids. …

Do you need a will? How hard is it to get a will?

I just had a lengthy conversation with Tash, one of our lawyers.  Topic of choice this time?  It’s time to…

Budgeting – why is it so hard?

Oh budgeting budgeting budgeting.  The bane of so many people’s financial plans.  When you mention the word budget, you instantly…

Is negative gearing on the way out?

I could almost dedicate this blog to commenting on what the media is commenting on!  The idea that negative gearing…

Tax breaks for the rich – make the most of them!

I was chatting to a client the other day – best part of my job really.  I get paid to…

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